Teaching Assistantships
The English Department offers a variety of teaching assistant opportunities for graduate students.
Graduate Teaching Associates
For students who are pursuing a composition or reading certificate in addition to the M.A. in Literature, the Department of English offers opportunities to teach undergraduate composition courses in our Graduate Teaching Associate program.
TESOL Teaching Assistantships
Three TESOL courses either encourage or require students to serve as Teaching Assistants (TAs):
- ENG 721: Pedagogical Grammar
- ENG 726: Practicum
- ENG 732: TESOL Reading and Writing Skills
You can learn about each class under the "Experience & Career Development" tab in the TESOL overview page.
Literature Teaching Assistant Practicum, ENG 803
The ENG 803: Teaching Assistant Practicum offers students the opportunity to learn about pedagogical issues in the teaching of literature by assisting professors in running a large lecture course. In addition to working closely with a professor as a TA, students participate in a series of workshops designed to introduce them to a variety of pedagogical issues and give them hands-on teaching experience. Click the hyperlink above to find out more information.
Volunteers and Paid Tutoring Opportunities
SF State offers graduate students a variety of paid and volunteer tutoring opportunities at the Tutoring and Academic Support Center (TASC).
Scholarships and Fellowships
The department and college a limited number of scholarships and fellowships to current graduate students. Scholarships are announced by the department and college annually. For other opportunities, see the SF State Fellowships Office.
Graduate Literature Association
The Graduate Literature Association (GLA) is the student organization for the M.A. in Literature. The GLA organizes social activities, academic and career workshops, and scholarly conferences and publishes Interpretations, a student-edited academic journal. See the Graduate Literature Association website for more information.
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