Faculty Manual
A copy of the most recent comprehensive Faculty Affairs & Professional Development Faculty Manual from Faculty Affairs, delineating everything from parking places to keys to university governance to where to contact your union representative.

English Department FAQ Faculty Handbook - Compiled by the English Department Faculty Support and Mentoring Committee (currently undergoing revisions)

Petition Guidebook
Please refer to this Faculty & Student Guidebook to Petition Process (PDF) to learn about the process for most commonly used petitions. This includes, but is not limited to: withdrawals, grade changes, WUs, waiver petitions and more. See page 2 for the table of contents. We hope you will find this as a useful reference to refer to when you are trying to figure out how to handle petitions and grading.

Welcoming Gender Non-Conforming Students
As teachers, we have a responsibility to respect our students’ gender identities both in the classroom and as part of a larger campus community. There may be times when our perception of a student’s gender is different from how they identify, so all students should have a respectful opportunity to share the pronouns that they use. Refer to our Welcoming Transgender Students Guide (PDF) for advice.

Additional Travel Resources
The Fiscal Affairs website has a travel section with any forms or information you need.

Guest Speakers
Guest Speakers need to be approved by the Chair before any materials are sent to them. Please complete the steps in a timely manner (preferably two weeks) so the necessary paperwork can be completed.
- Fill out our Guest Speaker Form and send it to the Department of English
- Once approved by the chair, have your guest speaker fill out an Honorarium Form [Section II] (and a Vendor 204 Form [Page 2 & 3] if this is the first Honorarium the guest speaker will have ever received from SF State). Have the guest speaker bring in the form(s) with a wet signature on the day of the event
- Let the Department of English know if we should send a parking pass and parking information to the guest speaker (in the initial request form, Step 1)

Building Coordinators
If you have any questions about the facilities on campus, you can visit the Facilities website and view the list of building coordinators to get in touch with the correct person.
The documents on this website/webpage might not be fully accessible to persons with disabilities. We are working to fix these accessibility barriers by June 15, 2022. If you experience difficulty in accessing this content, please contact the Department of English by email at engdept@sfsu.edu and we will provide you with accessible alternatives.