The Composition for Multilingual Students program is a University-wide undergraduate program through which non-native speakers of English meet the general education requirements for oral and written communication and the lower- and upper-division written English requirements. View the G.E. Baccalaureate Requirements: Oral and Written Communication for SF State Students (PDF).

Multilingual Students and Gwar
Who is a Multilingual Student?
A multilingual student is one for whom English is their second language and who most likely do not speak English at home.
What is GWAR?
GWAR stands for Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement. This is a requirement that must be fulfilled by all juniors at all CSUs.
How can I fulfill my GWAR?
All students can fulfill the GWAR by taking a writing-intensive course in their majors. Visit your department website or office for more information about the GWAR class in your major.
Attention GWAR Instructors
If you have multilingual students in your GWAR class who need writing and grammar support, the Composition for Multilingual Students (CMS) Program has several options to offer.
English 212
An advanced grammar and editing for writing course, including GWAR. The ENG 212 course offers instruction and practice in editing their writing for grammar accuracy.
English 217
Equivalent to English 216, English 217 offers multilingual students instruction and practice in basic essay writing and research skills. Recommended for ML students in lieu of English 216, or as a review course for those who have completed this requirement, but could use more practice in fundamental writing skills. Students may take this course in preparation for their GWAR, or other upper-division writing-intensive courses.
We encourage you to recommend these courses to your multilingual students who would benefit from writing and language preparation before or during their GWAR course. Students who wish to take one or more of these classes should come by the CMS Office in HUM 482 or email us at
With your recommendation, GWAR students will be able to add a CMS class.
We are currently not accepting applications. Please check back to learn more in Spring 2025.
Applicants to the Composition for Multilingual Students (CMS) part-time teaching pool must have an M.A. degree in TESOL or a related field, and have experience teaching academic writing (composition), academic reading, and grammar for writing.
SF State M.A. TESOL graduate student applicants who will be completing their last semester of course work (ENG 733 and/or ENG 895) during spring or fall semesters may also apply.
All applicants must participate in a screening process that begins with an exam. Applicants who pass the screening exam will be invited for a teaching demo and an interview with the hiring committee, a group of six full-time and part-time faculty. This process takes place annually in April. Successful applicants enter a pool of teachers and are assigned to classes based on seniority and course availability.
Applicants should register for the exam by dropping off or emailing an SF State application form for Temporary Faculty Employment 5 days before the exam to the English Dept. in HUM 488. (The remainder of the application packet is due when the applicant is invited to a teaching demo and interview).
Application Packet
The application packet consists of:
1. Information Sheet (PDF)
2. Temporary Faculty Employment Form (PDF)
3. Reference Letter Template (PDF)
4. Obligation of Staff (PDF)
You can print these forms out or pick up a packet from the Writing Programs Office, HUM 488. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the CMS Program Coordinator.
CMS Teaching Information
Applicants to the Composition for Multilingual Students (CMS) part-time teaching pool must have an M.A. degree in TESOL or a related field, and have experience teaching academic writing (composition), academic reading, and grammar for writing.
Additionally, an applicant must participate in a screening process that includes an exam and an interview; this process takes place annually in April. Successful applicants enter a pool of teachers and are assigned to classes based on seniority and course availability.
San Francisco State University’s M.A. program in English with a concentration in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) provides training to teach English as a second language in the U.S. and internationally. It is one of the oldest and largest such programs in the country. Graduates of the program teach English to immigrants and international students in community colleges, universities, English language institutes, adult education programs, and community and workplace settings. Completion of the M.A. TESOL degree does not fulfill requirements for K - 12 teacher credentialing in California. SF State’s Graduate College of Education has programs for single-subject and multiple-subject credentials.
Contact the CMS coordinator for more specific information about the position.
Requirements for Admission to the Hiring Pool
- Applicants must hold an M.A. in TESOL or a closely related field. Graduate student applicants who will be completing their last semester of coursework may apply. However, such applicants are generally hired only after they have completed their coursework.
- Applicants should have university-level CMS teaching experience in the area of writing instruction. (The CMS program at San Francisco State University is primarily a composition program.)
- Applicants must have a complete application on file in the CMS program office. The application must include a curriculum vita, three letters of reference, transcripts, an application form, and a statement of purpose.
- Applicants must successfully pass the CMS screening exam. Please note that the exam is administered only once a year, in the spring.
- Applicants who have passed the screening exam must successfully complete an interview with the CMS committee, a group of six full-time and part-time faculty.
Name | Office | Extension | |
Chan, Esther | HUM 522 | 83106 | |
Cooper, Barbara | HUM 221 | 87407 | |
Fitzgerald, Maureen | HUM 272 | 83096 | |
Hilbert, Kirsten | HUM 232 | 83144 | |
Kohls, Robert | HUM 453 | 87404 | |
Motai, Lyn | HUM 230 | 83143 | |
Vicar, Lisa | HUM 518 | 83015 | |
Warden, Mary | HUM 271 | 83142 | |
Volunteer in the CMP Program
If you are a M.A. TESOL graduate student you can volunteer to be a Teaching Assistant or Tutor in the CMS program.
Serving as a Teaching Assistant (TA) is required for English 726 and English 732, and is optional for English 707.
If you plan to take any of these courses next semester and need to (or want to) work in an ESL class in the Composition for Multilingual Students (CMS) Program on campus, you should start the process of finding a class and a mentor teacher this semester.
If you wish to work off-campus, consult with the relevant M.A. TESOL course instructor.
CMS Course | Description | Requirements to serve as TA |
ENG 201/202 | Accelerated Academic English | Note: TA’s are selected for the entire academic year. |
ENG 204 | Academic Literacy Skills | You should be enrolled in or have completed 732. |
ENG 209 |
Writing the First Year
English 201/202: Writing the First Year: Global Perspectives of Multilingual Speakers (Stretch I and II)— 4 units (each semester)
In this special program for freshmen who have just graduated from high school, students participate in a year-long learning community to work intensively on developing and practicing the academic literacy and critical thinking skills needed for success in university coursework. English 201 emphasizes essential skills including academic reading, writing, vocabulary building, and editing techniques. English 202 builds on these skills while focusing on formal academic essay writing.
English 209: Writing the First Year: Global Perspectives of Multilingual Speakers — 3 units
This course in written communication prepares students for the extended composition and reading tasks at the university. The focus is on the composing process and on writing academic prose. Students read articles, essays or books to improve their critical reading skills as well as to get ideas for their compositions. Students also learn heuristics to help them find topics and develop their ideas in writing. The course includes the composing and revising of short essays with an emphasis on clarity and adequate supporting information. Grammar review is provided on problematic structures. Repeatable for credit.
English 210: Oral Communication — 3 units
This course meets the GE A1 requirement for oral communication and focuses on listening, speaking, and presentation skills. The activities for the course include interviews, small group discussion, whole class discussion, informational and persuasive oral presentations by individuals and by panels, and evaluation of oral presentations. Repeatable for credit.
English 212: Advanced Grammar for Composition — 3 units
Based on the Advising Module recommendation this course should be taken before English 209 and is for students who need to improve the grammatical accuracy of their writing. Students write short papers in class and at home in response to selected readings. Then grammar review is provided on problematic and advanced grammatical structures. Students work individually and in small groups on accuracy and proofreading skills. Repeatable for credit.
English 217: Writing the First Year: Language, Culture, and Perspectives of Multilingual Speakers— 3 units
This course focuses on the writing and revision of compositions, in the style and form that is required in university coursework. Instruction is focused on essays that synthesize information from outside texts with the students’ own analysis. Students practice critical thinking through critical reading, argumentation, and making connections between their ideas and those of outside authors. Students finish the semester with a research paper. The structure is reviewed as necessary. Repeatable for credit.
ENG 201: Escribiendo el primer año: perspectivas globales de hablantes multilingües stretch I y 2
ENG 201/202 es un curso académico de lectura y escritura de un año de duración diseñado para estudiantes que hablan dos o más idiomas y que desean desarrollar una identidad académica bilingüe o multilingüe. Se sienten más cómodos escribiendo en otro idioma que no sea el inglés.
Se centra en el desarrollo de la voz de un escritor, la expresión escrita de ideas y estrategias de lectura.
No se centra en la gramática ni en la ortografía.
ENG 209 Escribiendo el primer año: perspectivas globales de hablantes multilingües
ENG 209 está diseñado para personas que hablan dos o más idiomas y que desean desarrollar una identidad académica bilingüe o multilingüe. Estas personas se sienten más cómodas escribiendo en otro idioma que no sea el inglés.
Se centra en el desarrollo de la voz de un escritor, la expresión escrita de ideas y estrategias de lectura.
No se centra en la gramática ni en la ortografía.
ENG 210 Comunicación Oral
ENG 210 es un curso de un semestre para estudiantes multilingües. Este es un curso de oratoria, diseñado para enseñarte cómo investigar, planificar y realizar presentaciones orales efectivas. Desarrollarás habilidades de presentación que te serán útiles cuando tomes otros cursos universitarios en los que se requieran presentaciones orales. Las habilidades de presentación también pueden ser importantes en tu entorno laboral futuro (o presente).
ENG 212 Gramática avanzada para la escritura - Escritores multilingües
Requisito previo: Módulo de Asesoramiento en Escritura de Primer Año o recomendación de un instructor de un curso de Composición para Estudiantes Multilingües previamente completado. Este curso se enfoca en precisión y variedad gramatical a nivel de oración y discurso. El curso contiene lecturas, análisis gramaticales y composiciones con énfasis en la edición.
ENG 217 Escribiendo el primer año: Hacer la diferencia
217 es para estudiantes que desean desarrollar sus identidades académicas bilingües.
En 217, los estudiantes leen, investigan y escriben sobre temas elegidos por ellos mismos, relacionados con el contenido del Área E y la Experiencia del Primer Año. Una culminación de una secuencia de experiencia del primer año, que se centra en proyectos de un semestre sobre temas relacionados con intereses personales y profesionales y que involucran cuestiones de justicia social, identidad personal, salud y bienestar.
ENG 201 大一寫作:多語言者的全球觀點(第一和二階段)
ENG 201/202是一個學術性的為期一年的閱讀與寫作課程,專門為能夠使用兩種或以上語言的學生設計,目的在協助他們發展他們身為多語言者的學術身份。這些學生通常是在使用非英語進行寫作時會感覺更為自在的學生。
專注於培養寫作者在寫作中投入個人的意見, 以書面形式表達其想法以及閱讀策略。
ENG 209 大一寫作: 多語言者的全球觀點
ENG 209 課程是針對能夠掌握兩種或多種語言的學者而設計,目的是為了協助學習者發展雙語或多語的學術身份。
課程名稱: ENG 210 口語溝通
ENG 210 是一個為多語言學生設計的學期課程。本課程屬於公眾演講課程,目的在於教導學生如何進行研究、制定計劃以及進行有效的進行有效的口頭報告技巧。在這個過程中,學生將會發展出在其他需要口頭報告的大學課程中非常有用的演示技巧。
課程名稱: ENG 212 多語言作者的進階文法寫作
先修條件: 需完成大一寫作的Advising Module選課建議系統或獲得先前完成的多語言學生作文課程教師推薦。本課程著重於單句與語篇的文法準確性與多樣性。本課程著重於單句與語篇的文法準確性與多樣性。課程內容包括閱讀、文法分析和寫作練習,特別強調編輯技巧。
大一寫作: 創造影響力
ENG 217適合希望發展其多語言學術身份的學生
ENG 217兩門課程中,學生將對 Area E和大一生活體驗內容相關的自選主題進行閱讀、研究和寫作。此系列課程為大一生活體驗的總結,專注於與個人及專業興趣相關的整學期計劃,包含社會正義、個人身份、健康與幸福等多方面的探討。
Student Endorsement (Spanish)
Student Endorsement (Mandarin)
Graduation Credit
A: Classes in both programs fulfill SF State’s written English requirements for graduation and General Education (GE) Written and oral communication requirements. However, classes in the CMS Program are taught by instructors who specialize in teaching courses that address the needs of multilingual speakers of English. The table below shows how certain classes in the two programs correspond to each other (Note: not all classes in both programs are shown in the table). ESPAÑOL
Native-speaker options | Multilingual options |
These courses A2 Written Communication requirement: | |
English 104/105 or English 114 | Eng 201/202 or English 209 |
These courses fulfill the GE AE Life Long Learning requirement: | |
English 216 | English 217 |
A: This depends on the Advising Module recommendation which gives you the chance to choose from several pathways depending on your learning needs. Both pathways provide credit towards graduation. While the decision is yours, after you attend a CMS class, the instructor may suggest support classes. In the case of Composition courses, the instructor may encourage you to take classes in the CMS program if you would be better served by taking classes designed for multilingual students and taught by instructors who specialize in teaching English to multilingual speakers.
A: Students who are interested in switching programs should speak with the CMS/Composition Adviser. There are eligibility requirements for every course offered by the CMS program; thus, it is not possible to register and attend a CMS program course without taking the Advising Module or without being directly advised to take the course. If you feel that the CMS program is a better choice for you, we strongly recommend that you contact the adviser as early as possible.
A: Most colleges have writing or speech courses that students can take to meet the SF State GE written and oral communication requirement. If you took such a course, and the course(s) transferred to SF State and have met the SF State requirement, then you do not have to take courses at SF State. Make sure that your requirements have been met by your first year at SF State.
A: Some universities accept courses taken in SF State’s CMS program. However, you should discuss this question with the admissions office of the institution to which you are transferring. For more information, please visit us in the CMS office in Humanities 482.
A: Whether or not you need to take CMS classes depends primarily on your academic English proficiency and the English classes you have taken in previous institutions. It also depends on your Advising Module recommendation. We also encourage you to meet with a CMS Program adviser as soon as possible by visiting the office in Humanities 482.
A: Your Advising Module recommendation will help you decide which class you should take:
For freshman directly from high school | For other freshman and transfer students | All students |
English 201 (and maybe English 204) English 202 (and maybe English 212) |
English 204 or English 212 English 209 |
English 210 |
English 217 | English 217 |
- All new freshmen should plan to attend an orientation session. Visit the New Student Programs website for information about signing up for a session. You will be able to register for many of your classes at the orientation session.
- Before you attend an orientation session, complete the Advising Module, so that you have a course recommendation.
A: In the summer, the CMS Program offers about 15 percent of the number of courses and sections that are available in the fall and spring semesters. Certain courses are not offered in the summer semester at all (English 201/202, 204, and 212). We advise against students depending on being able to fulfill required English courses in the summer, due to the limited number of courses offered.
A: Often, students take English 201 and 204 or English 202 and 212 together. For other writing classes, we do not recommend students take more than one class at the same time unless they have been advised by a CMS instructor. You can take English 210, the oral communication course at the same time as another CMS course.
A: Students are strongly encouraged to take their required GE written and oral communication courses each semester until they are completed.
A: Whether or not you need to take CMS classes depends primarily on your academic English proficiency, determined by your Advising Module recommendation, and on what requirements you have met through courses at your previous school. We encourage you to meet with an Academic Advisor or speak with a CMS adviser as soon as possible.
A: Program courses are available through the College of Extended Learning (CEL). However, priority is given to SF State undergraduate students who are fulfilling graduation requirements; therefore, few spaces are available for CEL students.
Exchange students may enroll in CMS program classes.
Note: Exchange students and College of Extended Learning students wishing to take CMS courses must complete the Advising Module and see a CMS advisor before enrolling in any course.
A: Yes. The College of Extended Learning offers two unique programs: American Language Institute and English for Professional Purposes.
City College of San Francisco also offers many English classes in two programs: a credit program (where students earn credits toward an academic degree) and a noncredit program (where students can improve their general, non-academic English skills).
Finally, there are many private language schools in the Bay Area.
A: In general, no. Visiting scholars should speak with Professor Priya Abeywickrama in the M.A. TESOL program for more information about taking English classes.
A: Yes, if they take the Advising Module, or under special advising circumstances from their Graduate Advisors. However, priority registration is given to undergraduate students who are fulfilling graduation requirements.
A: Yes, English 670 is designed with graduate students in mind. Students from all disciplines are welcome to sign up. For more information contact the coordinator of the MA TESOL Program (
Note: Graduate students wishing to take CMS classes should see a CMS adviser before enrolling in any course.
A: The Tutoring and Academic Support Center (TASC) provides students with tutors for regularly scheduled sessions throughout the semester, in addition to “drop-in” tutoring. Visit the TASC website for more information about the services they provide to the campus community.